50615 insulation monitoring XL316 Vigilohm - 115..127 V AC 50/60 Hz - failsafe
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This device belongs to the Vigilohm range designed to monitor ungrounded/IT electrical networks at feeder level, in accordance to installation and products standards. This insulation fault location is only possible when it is associated to XM300C series or XML308/316. This device is dedicated to monitoring 16 feeders, AC, DC and ACDC, up to the toroid limit, 1000V. It mesures the insulation resistance and leakage capacitance per feeder. Configuration is set from the front of the device, through the function keys. Settings are related to alarm thresholds. It displays which feeder has an insulation fault. The device can schedule auto-test, and a button can launch a on demand test. In case the insulation resistance drops below the set threshold, an alarm is triggered thru the XL output relay and channel indicator light. Once no fault is monitored, the alarm is cleared, the alarm relay is back to normal. The device can be supplied by a 115V AC to 127V AC source with a tolérence of plus 10% or minus 15%.
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