33801 standard auxiliary contact, ComPact NS630b to NS1600, withdrawable, circuit breaker status OF, 1 changeover contact type
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It is a single standard auxiliary contact for drawout Compact NS630b to 1600 devices. This auxiliary contact that provides OF remote information of the circuit breaker status. The OF contact (open/closed) indicates the position of the circuit breaker main contacts. There is one auxiliary contact model for OF, SD or SDE information, depending on where it is fitted in the device. This auxiliary is a common point changeover type contact with 1 normally open contact and 1 normally closed contact. The rated current is 6A and the minimum load is 100mA at 24 VDC. Utilization categories are AC12/AC13/DC12/DC14. Compact NS 630b to 1600 can be equipped with 3 OF auxiliary contacts. It complies with IEC 60947-5-1 standard.
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